Campaign Starts: 13th Feb 00:00:00 UTC+0 UK+
Campaign Ends: 16th Feb 23:59:59 UTC+0 UK+
Bonus time: Everyday 20:00:00-23:59:59 UTC+0(Double Points)
No-OPT in required! As this campaign is open to all, no whitelist will be provided.
- 1 Like = 1 point (capped at 1000 points daily)
- Go Live for 1 hour= 500 points (capped at 3000 points daily)
- Share your Liveroom: 1 in-app LIVE Share (unique user) = 100 points (capped at 2000 points daily), 1 external LIVE Share(unique user)= 100 points (capped at 2000 points daily)
- Campaign Gifts Received: each 1 coin= 2 points
Bonus Periods: Creators will get DOUBLE points of gifts received between 20:00:00-23:59:59 everyday in campaign period. Battles:
- Receive 1 extra point for the leaderboard from every point obtained from 1V1 matches (capped at 20000 points daily).
- Receive 2 extra points from every point obtained from 2V2 matches. (capped at 20000 points daily).
- Get 1000 points for winning each 2V2 Match. (capped at 10000 points daily).
- Finishing daily missions will also receive extra points

Super League
The first 20 creators to collect 60,000 diamonds each day will receive an extra 70,000 points for the leaderboard.
Gleam League
The first 40 creators to collect 30,000 diamonds each day will receive an extra 30,000 points for the leaderboard.
Glow League
The first 60 creators to collect 7,000 diamonds each day will receive an extra 15,000 points for the leaderboard.
Glee League
The first 100 creators to complete all campaign missions will share a prize pool of 32,000 diamonds and receive 1 Flare Bronze.
5 leaderboards:
4x Creator leaderboards Super League / Gleam League / Glow League / Glee League
1x Viewers leaderboard